01.05.10 | 14.06.10
MADRE and Napoli COMICON present Urban Superstar Show Festival, first edition of the first Festival that a Contemporary Art Museum dedicates in Europe to Underground Art, Pop Surrealism, Lowbrow Art and Urban Art, which are to say the new artistic currents which better represent the contemporaneity.
(curated by David Vecchiato)
Vecchiato’s aim is to propose a critical order among different artistic trends. The exhibition opening the Festival, on May the 1st, 2010, is Back from Black. From bright Pop to dark Underground. And back. Seven other exhibitions will be following through 2010 and 2011 editions:
Characters & Patterns
Pop Surrealism & Lowbrow Art
Gothic, Expressionism, Folk and Steam Punk
Masters of the Underground Art
and Street & Urban Art Adventures
which will take up the whole area of the MADRE Museum dedicated to the Festival till the end of 2011.
MADRE and Napoli COMICON present Urban Superstar Show Festival, first edition of the first Festival that a Contemporary Art Museum dedicates in Europe to Underground Art, Pop Surrealism, Lowbrow Art and Urban Art, which are to say the new artistic currents which better represent the contemporaneity.
(curated by David Vecchiato)
Vecchiato’s aim is to propose a critical order among different artistic trends. The exhibition opening the Festival, on May the 1st, 2010, is Back from Black. From bright Pop to dark Underground. And back. Seven other exhibitions will be following through 2010 and 2011 editions:
Characters & Patterns
Pop Surrealism & Lowbrow Art
Gothic, Expressionism, Folk and Steam Punk
Masters of the Underground Art
and Street & Urban Art Adventures
which will take up the whole area of the MADRE Museum dedicated to the Festival till the end of 2011.